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The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective

Briefing Notes

Please do not hesitate to contact Dr Suzy Morrissey, PPI Deputy Director, if you have any ideas and suggestions or wish to discuss any of the work we undertake.


Briefing Note 97 - General Election 2017 State Pension age rises

This Briefing Note summarises the key issues that surround State Pension age (SPa) increases in the run up to the General Election on the 8th June. It discusses the reasons for SPa rises and includes...

02 JUN 2017

Briefing Note 96 - Everything you always wanted to know about the triple lock but were afraid to ask...

This Briefing Note discusses the many issues surrounding the future of the "triple lock" for the basic and new State Pension, for both current and future pensioners. This note concludes that it is...

30 MAY 2017

Briefing Note 95 - What difference does a year make?

This is the final Briefing Note from the PPI stream of the WHeRL project. The Briefing Note focuses on the impact of extending the working lives on income in retirement on two groups: Women who take...

12 APR 2017

Briefing Note 94 - Defined Benefits: managing assets and investment strategy

This is the fourth and final Briefing Note in a series on the subject of private sector Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes. The first explored the history of DB and the issues it now broadly faces....

29 MAR 2017

Briefing Note 93 - Defined Benefits: valuing and managing liabilities

This is the third in a series of four Briefing Notes on the subject of private sector Defined Benefit (DB) pension schemes. The first explored the history of DB pensions in the UK, the volatility of...

13 MAR 2017

Briefing Note 92 - How do gender differences in lifecourses affect income in retirement?

This Briefing Note follows on from Briefing Note 84. It provides an overview of the different work and family lifecourses for men and women and aims to understand how gender variations in the...

20 FEB 2017

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