The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
The Pensions Data Project
an exciting new pensions research initiative
Managed INDEPENDENTLY on behalf of the entire UK pensions industry by a small group of master trusts and the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
They share a common goal of wanting to contribute to a wider societal benefit where everyone has better provision and can achieve a positive outcome in retirement.
This crucial new facet, which does not currently exist anywhere else, is the ability to link across the various pension pots which individuals have with different providers, thus generating unprecedented levels of insight for both pension providers and Government.
Recent outputs from the Pensions Data Project can be found below:
If you would like to speak to the Project Lead for the Pensions Data Project, please contact:
Nicky Day
Project Lead
The Pension Data Project Outputs
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