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The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective


The PPI undertakes sponsored research provided that the research is within the PPI’s charitable objective, the PPI has the capability and the capacity to undertake the research and the research sponsor or sponsors are happy for the final research to be published.

You are welcome to use the Pensions Policy Institute's research but please reference any material appropriately. 

Modelling Report: The member impact of accelerated Defined Benefit pension scheme closures (Analysis for the TUC)

The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is today publishing a Modelling Report "The member impact of accelerated Defined Benefit pension scheme closures", for which analysis has been sponsored by the...

07 JUL 2021

What is an adequate retirement income?

The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is today publishing "What is an adequate retirement income?". This report, sponsored by The Centre for Ageing Better, examines the issues underlying debates around...

09 JUN 2021

What do DC scheme investment gatekeepers think about illiquid assets?

This slide deck “What do DC investment gatekeepers think about illiquid assets?” sponsored by the DCIF, is designed to explore DC scheme decision-makers’ beliefs around investing in illiquids. The...

26 MAY 2021

Engaging with ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance Factors

The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is today publishing Engaging with ESG: Environmental, Social and Governance Factors. This report, authored by Lauren Wilkinson, is the final output in the Engaging...

22 APR 2021

How do UK pension schemes approach investment into overseas assets?

The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is today publishing How do UK pension schemes approach investment into overseas assets? this report authored by Bob Collie and Daniela Silcock, explores how trends...

26 MAR 2021

Engaging with ESG: Climate Change

The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) is today publishing Engaging with ESG: Climate Change, this report authored by Lauren Wilkinson, delves deeper into the attitudes and behaviour affecting...

18 FEB 2021

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