The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
The PPI undertakes sponsored research provided that the research is within the PPI’s charitable objective, the PPI has the capability and the capacity to undertake the research and the research sponsor or sponsors are happy for the final research to be published.
You are welcome to use the Pensions Policy Institute's research but please reference any material appropriately.
What is the impact on member outcomes of different non-capped charging structures?
24 NOV 2021
What can other countries teach the UK about measuring Value for Money in pension schemes?
18 NOV 2021
The DC Future Book: 2021 Edition
23 SEP 2021
Pensions and Divorce: what do we know, and what future research is needed?
15 SEP 2021
Briefing Paper: Why now is the right time for a dedicated UK pensions framework
19 AUG 2021
Modelling Report: Exploring the financial impact of flat rate pensions tax relief: Analysis commissioned by the PLSA
20 JUL 2021
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