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The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective


The PPI undertakes sponsored research provided that the research is within the PPI’s charitable objective, the PPI has the capability and the capacity to undertake the research and the research sponsor or sponsors are happy for the final research to be published.

You are welcome to use the Pensions Policy Institute's research but please reference any material appropriately. 

Transitions to Retirement: How complex are the decisions that pension savers need to make at retirement?

The PPI published How complex are the decisions that pension savers need to make at retirement?, a report that explores the range of potential decisions people have approacching, at the point of, and...

27 NOV 2014

Automatic Enrolment Report 3: How will automatic enrolment affect pension saving?

This report is the third in a series of reports on automatic enrolment. It analyses the potential effects that employee and employer responses to automatic enrolment could have on scheme membership...

17 JUL 2014

PPI Report for Age UK: The financial resilience of the recently retired

This report was for Age UK’s Financial Services Commission. It was initially presented at an event on 6 February 2014, before the 2014 Budget announcement regarding the removal of restrictions on...

07 JUN 2014

Automatic Enrolment Report 2: The benefits of automatic enrolment and workplace pensions for older workers

This is the second report in a series of research reports that investigate the potential impact of automatic enrolment into private pensions on individuals and their levels of pension saving but also...

20 MAY 2014

PPI Single Tier Series: The impact of the Government's single-tier state pension reform

The PPI has published a series of briefings across 2013 and 2014 to provide a detailed, comprehensive and independent analysis of the impact of introducing the single-tier state pension.  The...

30 APR 2014

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