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The impact of opting-out of private pension saving at younger ages

The Government is introducing auto-enrolment into workplace pension schemes, to be phased in between 2012 and 2017, for all eligible employees earning more than £7,475 and between age 22 and the...

19 DEC 2011

The implications of Government policy for future levels of pensioner poverty

Pensioner poverty has been falling over the last three decades in the UK, however, in more recent years, pensioner poverty levels have remained steady. For future pensioners, the approach to tackling...

11 JUL 2011

An assessment of the Government's options for state pension reform

In April 2011 the Government published a Green Paper: A state pension for the 21st century. In an attempt to address their concerns about the current state pension system, the Government has issued a...

28 JUN 2011

Retirement income and assets: the implications of ending the effective requirement to annuitise by age 75

Until June 2010, individuals with Defined Contribution (DC) pensions were effectively required to annuitise any remaining private pension savings (after taking an optional 25% tax-free lump sum) by...

14 APR 2011

Towards more effective savings incentives: a report of PPI modelling for AEGON

During 2010 AEGON undertook new research looking at the potential impact of saving incentives on the overall levels of pension saving, on the number of savers and the overall impact on Government...

19 JAN 2011

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