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The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective


The PPI undertakes sponsored research provided that the research is within the PPI’s charitable objective, the PPI has the capability and the capacity to undertake the research and the research sponsor or sponsors are happy for the final research to be published.

You are welcome to use the Pensions Policy Institute's research but please reference any material appropriately. 

Towards a Citizen's Pension

To download the appendices to the report, please click the appendices below:  Appendix one   Appendix two  Appendix three  Appendix four  Appendix five...

01 DEC 2004

State Pension Reform - A Summary

A summary of the PPI research on State Pension Reform to date....

25 NOV 2004

Tax Incentives for Pension Saving

01 OCT 2004

Managing Transition

01 SEP 2004

An Analysis of Unisex Annuity Rates

To download the summary findings of the work the EOC commissioned from the PPI, please click here....

01 JUN 2004

Property or Pensions?

PPI has also produced a technical note, showing how retirement income from private pension contributions and equity release varies under alternative scenarios. Please click here to download....

25 MAY 2004

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