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Briefing Notes
Briefing Note 99 - PhD Series 2: The impact of automatic enrolment in Italy, New Zealand and the USA
The Pensions Policy Institute (PPI) funds and supports a number of PhD students researching into areas of distinct policy relevance to pensions in the UK. The PhD Briefing Note Series has been set up to allow analysis undertaken as part of the PhD to be fed into public debate and reach a wider audience than would normally be the case, and to encourage researchers to consider the policy implication of their findings.
Hayley James is a PhD student at The University of Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA). Her Thesis looks at the impact of automatic enrolment into workplace pensions on individual decision making, based on qualitative research methodology. Hayley has a background in Economic Anthropology, having previously completed research on community currencies in London. Her research interests concern anthropological perspectives on money and value, and how meaning is created through these tools.
This Briefing Note examines what is known about the experience of automatic enrolment for pensions in Italy, New Zealand and the USA. This note summarises existing research on these national cases to determine what may be learned for the future of auto-enrolment in the UK.
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