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Briefing Notes
Briefing Note 98 - PPI Election Briefing 2017: Pensions
With age now becoming a key predictor of voting intention in British politics and the well documented power of older voters, with 78% of people over age 65 voting compared to only 43% of 18- 24 year olds, policies related to retirement and pensions are likely to remain key throughout this election.
This Briefing Note summarises the policies related to retirement and pensions from Party Manifestos in the run up to the General Election on the 8th June. It considers how this position has changed since the previous General Election. This is a reflection of new leaders, and new policy directions, building on the top of a changing political and economic landscape. This note discusses:
- Additional Pensioner Benefits
- Pensions Tax Relief
- State Pension age rises
- State Pension uprating
This note does not assess the practicability, affordability or implications of these policies. The PPI does not endorse any of the policies detailed in this Briefing Note.
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