The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
PPI Launch Event
02 FEB 2022
The PPI held a successful launch event on 'Could DC pension default investment strategies meet the needs of members?' The launch was based on the report, kindly sponsored by The Association of Investment Companies (AIC). Around 50 people attended this event, representing a broad range of interests within Government, the investment industry, the pensions industry and the third sector.
Mel Duffield (Universities Superannuation Scheme and PPI Governor) Chaired the event.
Richard Stone (AIC) provided a welcome from the report’s sponsor, Bob Collie (Research Associate, PPI) presented the key findings and Guy Rainbird (AIC) presented the sponsor's response to the report findings. Mel then chaired the discussion, deriving from the key findings.
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