
The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
08 SEP 2022
On Thursday 8th September 2022, The Pensions Policy Institute held a successful event to launch the report 'How will future pensioners use guaranteed income products?' following the Briefing Note 130 ‘Set for Life? - Guaranteed incomes in retirement’, published in May 2022. The report is based upon new modelling that explores when people might expect to benefit most from purchasing an annuity in retirement.
The event was attended by circa 50 people, with a broad range of stakeholders from across government and industry. Andy Seed (Apollo Financial Ltd & PPI Governor) Chaired the event and Claire Altman (Standard Life, part of Phoenix Group) welcomed attendees to the event on behalf of its hosts, Standard Life. Dr. Mark Baker (PPI) presented the key findings from the report and was later joined by the Panel: Carolyn Jones (Money and Pensions Service (MaPS), Chris Brooks (Age UK) and Ruari Grant (Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA).
Briefing Note Number 130: Set for life? – Guaranteed incomes in retirement
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