The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective
Supporters' Event
04 DEC 2019
Is the triple lock affordable?
Should the State Pension age rise further?
Will auto enrolment contributions increase?
Does tax relief need a huge overhaul?
All important questions that the next Government will need to grapple with.
As we enter the final throes of the election campaign, what should the parties be promising on pensions? Will they keep those promises? And what should any new government do for pensions?
The event comprised of Darren Philp in the Chair, with his expert guests Iona Bain, Ruston Smith, Jack Jones and our very own Chris Curry debating all these issues and more in the PPI's Question Time Election Special which was held on Wednesday 4th December 2019.
Pensions dashboards: the saviour of pensions or a white elephant in the making?
Are regulators effective enough?
And will Brexit damage our pensions?
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