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Will Personal Accounts increase pension saving?

This report illustrates the potential impact of the Government’s three key reform proposals for work-based pension saving in the UK. It uses scenarios that illustrate the potential combined impact of...

01 NOV 2007

Increasing the value of saving in Personal Accounts: rewarding modest amounts of pension saving

There is a broad degree of consensus for the principle of auto enrolment, as a way of overcoming inertia and increasing the number of people saving for their retirement. However, some stakeholders...

01 NOV 2007

The changing landscape for private sector Defined Benefit pension schemes

Occupational pension provision in the private sector, and in particular Defined Benefit (DB) provision, has been declining. Both the number of private sector employers offering these schemes and the...

05 OCT 2007

Increasing the value of saving in Personal Accounts: taking small pension pots as lump sums

Many people are not currently saving enough for retirement to secure the level of income they are likely to consider adequate. As a response, the Government has proposed Personal Accounts, a new...

11 JUN 2007

What should be the roles and objectives of the Personal Accounts Delivery Authority and Board?

In its Personal Accounts White Paper, Personal Accounts: a new way to save, the Government proposed a three stage model for setting up and eventually delivering Personal Accounts. Setting up an...

02 MAY 2007

Charging structures for Personal Accounts

The Government set out its intention to introduce major reforms to the UK pension system in a White Paper in May 2006. These include substantial reforms to both state and private pensions. The...

01 MAR 2007

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