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The PPI is an INDEPENDENT educational, not-for profit research institute. We undertake rigorous research from a neutral, long-term perspective


The PPI undertakes sponsored research provided that the research is within the PPI’s charitable objective, the PPI has the capability and the capacity to undertake the research and the research sponsor or sponsors are happy for the final research to be published.

You are welcome to use the Pensions Policy Institute's research but please reference any material appropriately. 

Are Personal Accounts suitable for all?

Auto-enrolment into private pension provision has potential advantages and should lead to an increase in the number of people saving for retirement. There is a broad degree of consensus for the...

03 NOV 2006

Additional case studies for Scottish Widows

The Government published proposals for reform of the state pension system in May 2006. Scottish Widows sponsored the Pensions Policy Institute to produce a series of case studies illustrating the...

02 NOV 2006

PPI Case studies for Scottish Widows

The Government published proposals for reform of the state pension system in May 2006. Scottish Widows sponsored the Pensions Policy Institute to produce a series of case studies illustrating the...

01 NOV 2006

PPI Case studies for the Runnymede Trust

The Government published proposals for reform of the state pension system in May 2006. As part of a study into the impact that these reforms will have on individuals from Black and Minority Ethnic...

02 SEP 2006

The Guarantee Credit & state pension age: A PPI paper for the TUC

The Government proposed in the recent White Paper that state pension age (SPA) should be increased to age 66 by 2026, 67 by 2036 and age 68 by 2046. One concern often expressed about increases in SPA...

01 SEP 2006

An evaluation of the White Paper state pension reform proposals

The Government published its proposals for reform of the state pension system in May 2006. The proposals are largely based on the preferred approach of the Pensions Commission, though there are some...

01 JUL 2006

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